Anne Dreyer – Author, Etiquette Expert and Speaker
With her warm personality and tangible style, she infects her audiences as she trains and inspires them from her personal life experience as a successful business woman, and entrepreneur.
Anne, was nominated Business Women of the year, and voted the most successful female speaker by her co speakers, PSASA KZN, founded both Colourworks International, South Africa first Make Over Salon, as well as the first Image Consultants Training Academy- who trains image consultants from all over the world, with branches throughout South Africa as well as Singapore and Australia.

Anne is the founder of APICSA ( The Association of Professional Image Consultants in South Africa) as well as SAAIP South African Association for image Professionals and IBICA in Singapore is also a founder, Professional Member of PSASA Professional Speaker Association of South Africa.
"Excellent- I enjoyed everything about this course,thank you Anne"
Lynette Chappell
First Lady for Siegfried and Roy - Las Vegas
"Anne you are a excellent speaker, and a very impressive person, I so enjoyed your presentation."
Judi Moreo CSP
Best selling Author "You are more than enough"- Las Vegas USA
“Good Day Anne, Thank you once again for the amazing session that you had with us yesterday. We have received great feedback from the ladies that had attended and I don’t think I will ever forget the special moment you shared with us. You are a remarkable woman and may the good Lord richly bless you!"
Palesa Mokgatla
Sasol Oil -Randburg
Anne, thank you so much for gracing our Image Consultnats Graduation. It was truly magnificent- we look forward to having you return next year Joshua Luke ( Mr. Singapore) CEO Signature Image- Singapore …well researched, interesting and motivational…Helene Griffiths
She leaves a mark on all who have the good fortune to listen to her
Janette Unstead
She leaves a mark on all who have the good fortune to listen to her
Janette Unstead
I would like to compliment you on a true reflection of what you preach
B. Mc Cann
As sought after speaker, she leaves her mark on all who is fortunate enough to hear and meet her.
Anne, Master Image Consultant and Etiquette Expert, knows and believes that every person can blossom where they are planted, by equipping themselves with People Skills which never become redundant and believing that every person can reach the pinnacle of their personal and business life .and be irresistible forever!
Anne Dreyer HED MBA is a Master Image Consultant and Etiquette Expert